
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome in 2014!

Today was pretty much like any other families new years day we cleaned up all of our Christmas presents that were still hanging out, relaxed a bit, met up with family to have a pork dinner, and I cleaned and organized! I wanted to share the photos of some of the stuff I got sorted out.  For years I have had totes and buckets of miscellaneous tools, fittings, and hardware and now I can start using them. I am excited to be using these things and saving money in the process.  I hope by showing that you can get things organized I will help people realize how much time and money they can save. So here are the photos of what I have completed at this point.

This is a drawer of simpson strong ties and other metal brackets. I would have never been able to find one if I needed it in the past so I am sure I have bought many of these when I already had them.

Electrical tools, These will be further sorted and cleaned but for now they are in my electrical tool box so I can find them when I need them!

Another shot of my electrical tool box.  This is a tray of outlets and switches.

This is a second eletrical tool box.  These are mostly EMT fittings that I can find easily next time I run some conduit!

Wow look at all those breakers and cord ends.  Think of the money that is sitting here waiting to be used.

The bottom of electrical box 1. switch plate covers staples and other items.

Had to use a milk crate to store my junction boxes and other large electrical items.

Now my electrical supplies are easy to get at!  I am not going to lie I have more to go through but this is a huge accomplishment!

The start of the PEX plumbing box.

All screws, This tote I setup with mostly exterior longer screws.

Misc hardware tote, This is anything from hose clamps to bolts and washers.

Another screw tote, This was set up with shorter interior screws, self tapping screw, and more.

Anchor tote?, I set this up as a anchoring tote.  I have anything from small wall anchors to red heads in this box.

Bolt/Lag tote, This box is is just that lags, bolts, washer, and nuts.

Nail tote, This is the nails I had that the boxes were falling apart.

Hanger tote, I have some miscellaneous stuff in this tote but it was started as a picture hanging tote.

This was a huge start for me and hopefully with in a few weeks I will at least have everything organized and the shop ready to work in! Watch the video before to see the basement before hand.  Now once again I will not lie it was worse at some point but I can not wait to post the end video!

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