
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are we dependent on countries like Guatemala?

It seems the likely answer is we are dependent on China right?  China makes almost everything we touch and our government owes them mass amounts of money. But do we really get any of our needs from China?  In my opinion china provides us with wants, products that are fun to have and most of us in America believe are needs but if it came down to it we just do not need them.
Now Guatemala on the other hand a country with more than 75 percent of its people living below the poverty line how could we ever be dependent on them?  Look around, in the United States we have drove out farming and small gardens alike and have replaced them with office buildings and busy life styles that do not allow people time to garden.  Cutting fresh fruits and vegetables today I realized tags on almost every single one saying "A PRODUCT OF GUATEMALA".  Now this does not extremely concern me I believe the food is safe I would like all foods to be organic but I can not control that or afford that.  I do however believe that Guatemala provides with a need most Americans can not live with out.
This is why I would like to grow as much produce as I can at my home and not be dependent on other countries.  The food I grow I know where it came from, I know there is no chemicals on it and I know how fresh it is.  Now I will continue to buy bananas and other fruits that I will never be able to produce in the Pittsburgh area but if for any reason I could not get these things I would still have great fresh foods to eat.

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