
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are we dependent on countries like Guatemala?

It seems the likely answer is we are dependent on China right?  China makes almost everything we touch and our government owes them mass amounts of money. But do we really get any of our needs from China?  In my opinion china provides us with wants, products that are fun to have and most of us in America believe are needs but if it came down to it we just do not need them.
Now Guatemala on the other hand a country with more than 75 percent of its people living below the poverty line how could we ever be dependent on them?  Look around, in the United States we have drove out farming and small gardens alike and have replaced them with office buildings and busy life styles that do not allow people time to garden.  Cutting fresh fruits and vegetables today I realized tags on almost every single one saying "A PRODUCT OF GUATEMALA".  Now this does not extremely concern me I believe the food is safe I would like all foods to be organic but I can not control that or afford that.  I do however believe that Guatemala provides with a need most Americans can not live with out.
This is why I would like to grow as much produce as I can at my home and not be dependent on other countries.  The food I grow I know where it came from, I know there is no chemicals on it and I know how fresh it is.  Now I will continue to buy bananas and other fruits that I will never be able to produce in the Pittsburgh area but if for any reason I could not get these things I would still have great fresh foods to eat.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Starting to plan the gardens and do not forget to plan for canning

So I have been hiding behind my computer now for days researching and trying to figure out how much I really need to plant to feed my family year round.  I find charts every where that try to tell me how much I need to plant for my family of four but to be honest most of these charts are extremely confusing.  Then the other people say there is no way they can tell you because it depends on what your family likes, well I am telling you one thing we are going to learn to like what I grow because that is going to be our food source.
So what I have determined is I need to start keeping records and good records!  I will write down a plan, record what I plant and where I plant it, record yields, then track what we eat, what we can, and what we give away or sell.  I figure it will take a couple years to get everything balanced out but how else will I figure it out?  I know a good example of planning is last year we dehydrated cherry and grape tomatoes. Although I thought this was a good idea we had no clue how every one would love them.  My daughter eats these like they are candy and my dad loves them too.  So next year I know I need to plan on drying at least twice as many.
In the next couple weeks I hope to have my plan all written out and ready to go so I will post it on here.  I am not 100% sure yet how anything will go but you get no where with out trying.  Please let me know if you have any ideas on yields, record keeping, or anything else to make me a better gardener/provider for my family.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Teaching kids real skills

Today's kids are great at sports and playing video games but do they have what they need for the real world?  We have been like most parents a pocket knife is to dangerous, they can not use the lawn mower they will chop off their toes, can not clean that because its poisonous.  Instead of saying no I am going to start teaching my kids the correct and safe way to use these tools, products, and to perform these important jobs.  I am so impressed at the knowledge kids have know a days but the lack of common sense and not being able to perform everyday tasks is very scary.  I believe parents today use video games as baby sitters and believe sports are more important then chores and work.  Now do not get me wrong it is important for your child to be well rounded but this generation has no life skills!

Today we started with a hatchet.  My 8 year old son was so excited when I said to him today you will be using a hatchet.  It all started off with us talking in the car.  I explained to Emmett the importance of respecting tools and to always think safety when using them.  After lunch we went into the basement for a brief class on how to hold, handle, and swing the hatch. At this point I believed he respected the tool but his skill level was not very good.  It was time to release him to the yard where this years Christmas tree was waiting to be chopped up.  I gave him his task first drag the tree into the back yard where we would do the chopping, second to chop off the limbs, and third stack them neatly.  He started swinging and well at this point his technique was not the fines but it was his first time.  I stood back encouraged him and even helped him with his form.  After a little while he got tired and I had to help him chop but he finished the stacking him self.

Chores like this instill life skills kids will never forget and will be able to pass on to their children.  Now if my son is put in situation where he see a tool like this he will respect it and hopefully not get hurt by it and also if he is put in a situation he has to use a tool like this he will know how to use and and how to use it safely.  Pass on these skills and trades so we have a productive next generation!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome in 2014!

Today was pretty much like any other families new years day we cleaned up all of our Christmas presents that were still hanging out, relaxed a bit, met up with family to have a pork dinner, and I cleaned and organized! I wanted to share the photos of some of the stuff I got sorted out.  For years I have had totes and buckets of miscellaneous tools, fittings, and hardware and now I can start using them. I am excited to be using these things and saving money in the process.  I hope by showing that you can get things organized I will help people realize how much time and money they can save. So here are the photos of what I have completed at this point.

This is a drawer of simpson strong ties and other metal brackets. I would have never been able to find one if I needed it in the past so I am sure I have bought many of these when I already had them.

Electrical tools, These will be further sorted and cleaned but for now they are in my electrical tool box so I can find them when I need them!

Another shot of my electrical tool box.  This is a tray of outlets and switches.

This is a second eletrical tool box.  These are mostly EMT fittings that I can find easily next time I run some conduit!

Wow look at all those breakers and cord ends.  Think of the money that is sitting here waiting to be used.

The bottom of electrical box 1. switch plate covers staples and other items.

Had to use a milk crate to store my junction boxes and other large electrical items.

Now my electrical supplies are easy to get at!  I am not going to lie I have more to go through but this is a huge accomplishment!

The start of the PEX plumbing box.

All screws, This tote I setup with mostly exterior longer screws.

Misc hardware tote, This is anything from hose clamps to bolts and washers.

Another screw tote, This was set up with shorter interior screws, self tapping screw, and more.

Anchor tote?, I set this up as a anchoring tote.  I have anything from small wall anchors to red heads in this box.

Bolt/Lag tote, This box is is just that lags, bolts, washer, and nuts.

Nail tote, This is the nails I had that the boxes were falling apart.

Hanger tote, I have some miscellaneous stuff in this tote but it was started as a picture hanging tote.

This was a huge start for me and hopefully with in a few weeks I will at least have everything organized and the shop ready to work in! Watch the video before to see the basement before hand.  Now once again I will not lie it was worse at some point but I can not wait to post the end video!